Has this ever happened to you?
You're trying to write, text or type an important personal message.
Or trying to find the right words for your hand made greeting cards. Your mind goes as blank as a white sheet of paper. No words are coming. What do you do?

You'll be glad to know . . .
When you're stuck for words and try as you may, can't conjure up a thing -- it happens to even the best writers -- you can still create meaningful messages for friends, family and co-workers. Just reach for Words to the Rescue: the sentiment guide for the tongue tied . . . and watch your pen flow.
Write extra-special notes to friends, family and co-workers on just about any occasion. A wonderful resource.
-- Be Blessed blog
saying the
right thing
"Words to the Rescue" helps you say the right thing at the right time.
-- Dr. Laura Schlessinger, author
thoughts for
special times
. . . the book I often wished for when trying to find words for special occasions.
-- Over the Fence blog
brain freeze
. . . for people who suffer brain freeze at the thought of needing to write something other than "Happy Birthday," or "Sorry for your loss."
-- Online reviewer
Inspiration is here
With over 1000 ideas in Words to the Rescue and over 1000 more in Words to the Rescue 2, you'll find inspiration for creating a huge variety of messages.

Just look in the books . . .
to find page after page of thought starters.
You'll be inspired to create thoughtful
messages for the important people in your life . . . for all kinds of life moments.
Times of joy and celebration
Times of illness and loss
Times of love and friendship
Times of compassion and support
Times of thanks and appreciation
More praise from readers
and card makers
the job
jump starts
my brain
Creatively simple ideas for those of us who get "word stuck."
A great gift idea and a great addition to the office bookshelf.
-- Online reviewer
I enjoy making cards. But it means I have to find something to say.
This book helps.
Nice variety of sayings to choose from.
-- Online reviewer
I am not tongue-tied. But sometimes it happens . . . and this book does do the trick."
-- Online reviewer
This book is a gem that I have come to rely on. Most times I use it as a catalyst to jump start my brain to get the words to flow from my brain to the paper.
-- Online customer

Express yourself well
How to contact us:
web: WordstotheRescue.com
email: steve@wordstotherescue.com
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Commerce Twp, MI
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