What's my idea of great copy?
It's friendly . . . conversational . . . easy to read.
It minimizes words . . . and maximizes benefits.
It shines with truth.
It encourages action.
From product names, packaging and displays to web sites,
ads and sell sheets, I'm passionate about creating copy that
helps clients sell products.
But enough words. It's time for the good stuff.
Take a look at the copywriting examples below.
They show you how I think . . . how I write . . . how I sell.
If you like what you see, let's talk soon.

product page

National City
Bank ad

Closet Classics
dealer ads
The Amazon.com product page (below) has helped sell over 140,000 copies of "Words to the Rescue" books, which I named and authored after conducting extensive product research. The sales success is due in large part, I believe, to the book's title. It solves a problem common to many . . . being stuck for words when writing a personal message. I also wrote the product description on this page.

Isn't it amazing what a great product name can do?

I like this National City Bank ad (below) because it takes the nebulous topic of personal
wealth and makes it real and emotional. The photo of the grandfather and grandchild at the piano grabs
attention while the headline, which ties perfectly to the photo, pulls readers in with its statement of truth.
Finally, the body copy delivers the pay-off . . . providing reasons to call the Private Client Group at
National City.

Closet Classics dealer ads connect with target audience. Bold. Fun. Effective.
These ads (below) for a maker of closet systems, speak powerfully to the target audience: mothers.
Two specific applications for the product are shown, while headlines convey an attractive benefit.
Each ad ends with an added plus: "We fit everything, including your budget."

A third ad in the series (not shown) speaks to moms themselves with the headline "MORNING RUSH MADE EASIER."